
Урок 1/Lesson 1. Знакомство/Nice to meet you!

В.: Привет!

И.: Привет!

В.: Я Вера.

И.: Очень приятно! А я Иван!

В.: Ты студент?

И.: Да, а ты?

В.: А я актриса.

И.: О, круто!`

Comments on the dialogue

Vera and Ivan tell each other «Привет!» when they meet. In Russia, we talk differently to our friends and to the people we don’t know at all, don’t know well enough, or we treat with respect. We have a friendly form of address «ты» (“you” 2 p., sing.) and a polite form of address «вы» (“you” 2 p., pl.). Do you already know what we say when we meet someone? Have a look:

выЗдравствуйте! / Доброе утро!Здравствуйте! / Добрый день!Здравствуйте! / Добрый вечер!

You probably already have some Russian friends. Do you remember what they told you when you first met? The same Ivan says to Vera when they meet:

Я Вера.

Очень приятно! А я Иван!

_Очень_ приятно! – Nice to meet you!

Russian is one of the few European languages that doesn’t use the linking verb “to be” in the Present tense.

Я Вера. Ты студент?

Ivan is a young guy so he uses some slang. When you are surprised or excited about something you may say: «Круто!» (“Cool!”).

Круто! – Cool!

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